We had their session scheduled for earlier in the month but as luck would have it, I came down with whatever cooties my son brought home from school. I was so happy we were able to reschedule and we truly picked the BEST day! The light was perfectly glowy and soft and there was just enough of a chill in the air to let you know fall was here without needing heavy coats. Best yet, these two were naturals!
Last week I met Sarah and Scott in Wayne, IL for their engagement session at Dunham Woods Riding Club where I will soon photograph their beautiful wedding. Touring Oaklawn Farm and the grounds of Dunham Woods looks and feels like walking the pages of a Ralph Lauren catalog. Each room of the farmhouse is exquisitely decorated with a richly warm color palate that perfectly accentuates the historic look and feel of the 1836 home. Though I love the clean, white, shabby chic farmhouse style everyone has adopted these days, there is something about the heavy, rich, warm, decor like Dunham Woods that speaks to my soul.
I absolutely loved getting to know Sarah and Scott during our time together and I cannot wait to photograph their wedding in just a few short days!! If their wedding day is as beautiful as their engagement session, then it’s going to be absolutely amazing!!! Enjoy some of my favorites from my time with these two!!!