To tell you a little about myself: I enjoy cooking, baking, party planning, crocheting, teaching my children, gardening, and photography. As an enneagram 3, I am very creative and find tremendous satisfaction in mastering a new craft.

I have always admired those with the talent, knowledge, and ability to photograph life’s beautiful memories with their camera. The way they can easily capture moods and feelings is deeply inspiring. Before having our first child, my husband bought me my first DSLR camera. Having no idea what I was doing, I began taking pictures of EVERYTHING. Landscapes, animals, friends, family - you name it. I had a few lucky shots here and there, but I was having trouble figuring out how to take consistently great photos. I soon realized the next step for me was education. Genuinely learning about my camera and how its functions can work together to change and perfect an image; motivated me to learn more. Through online coursework, a study of my mentors, and personal practice, I have developed a natural style of photography of which I am proud.

I feel honored and excited to be able to photograph you and your family's memories, with images you will be proud to display in your home for years to come. 

XOXO, Cassie

5 Things about me

  1. I love decorating my home for every season.
  2. I enjoy cooking and baking from scratch and all things garden to table.
  3. One of my favorite "desserts" is Nestle Tollhouse cookie dough.
  4. When I find a new hobby, I practice until I perfect it.
  5. I have more yarn in my house than places to store it.

Meet The Family


My amazing, incredibly handsome husband and Second Shooter! He's hardworking loves pizza and lasagna, woodworking, and he's the go-to person for fixing anything around the house.


Our furry first born baby who loves exploring the outdoors, snuggling under fluffy blankets, and singing along to songs by Chris Stapleton.


Our silly 7-year-old who loves superheros, drawing, anything with wheels, and playing with his little sister.


Our very clever and bright 5-year-old who loves to sing and dance, play dress up, help in the kitchen and take care of her baby brother.


The newest addition to the family! His current favorites include eating, sleeping, cuddling, and creating mountains of diapers!